- Criminal Defense
- Weapons Attorney
Your Syracuse
Weapons Attorneys
A weapons charge can have a catastrophic lifetime impact. Cambareri & Brenneck, your criminal defense team, can help.
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Syracuse Weapons Attorneys
Trust former prosecutors to handle your weapons cases.

What are the Penalties?
Weapons offenses in New York State are taken extremely seriously. Depending upon the exact nature of the charge, consequences can range from fines and probation to considerable jail time. More severe offenses, such as criminal use of a firearm, can potentially result in a felony conviction, with substantial repercussions on future employment, voting rights, and more.
Explore your legal options with an experienced and knowledgeable former prosecutor before a plea deal is entered. We take all situations into consideration to get you the best results.
Non-Resident Licenses?
For non-residents of New York State interested in carrying a firearm while within its jurisdiction, obtaining a non-resident permit is crucial. New York does not recognize permits from other states, making it essential for non-residents to follow the appropriate legal process to obtain a license.
At Cambareri & Brenneck we
regularly examine whether or not:
There have been civil rights violations against our client.
The police violated search and seizure laws.
There are police misconduct issues.
There are pieces of evidence that should be suppressed.
There have been chain-of-evidence issues.
The police violated search and seizure laws.
The prosecutors have overextended with their indictment of the accused.
There are witnesses (or other evidence) that dispute the state's version of events.
Non-Resident Licenses?
For non-residents of New York State interested in carrying a firearm while within its jurisdiction, obtaining a non-resident permit is crucial. New York does not recognize permits from other states, making it essential for non-residents to follow the appropriate legal process to obtain a license.

Understanding Weapons Charges in Syracuse
The most common weapons charges:
Criminal Possession of a Weapon
This involves unlawfully possessing a weapon in New York. The level of the offense varies depending on the specific type of weapon, the intent behind possessing it, and the accused’s criminal history.
Criminal Possession of a Firearm
Criminal possession of a firearm specifically targets the unauthorized possession of guns. Charges can be quite severe, varying from misdemeanors to felonies depending on the circumstances.
Criminal Use of a Firearm
This crime encompasses using a firearm during the commission of a felony, or merely possessing a firearm while committing a felony. The severity of the charges can escalate quickly due to the involvement of a firearm in a crime.
Large-Capacity Feeding Device
In New York State, possessing a large-capacity ammunition feeding device is considered illegal. This is a serious offense and can lead to substantial penalties if convicted
An Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) is a court order issued when a person is deemed to pose a significant risk of causing bodily harm to themselves or others by purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm. Violating an ERPO can result in severe penalties.
Pistol Permit
In New York, you must have a pistol permit to own or carry a pistol. Navigating the application process can be complex, but a knowledgeable attorney can help you understand your rights and the requirements.
Ghost Guns
Ghost Guns refer to firearms that are made at home and lack the usual serial numbers found on commercial guns making them difficult to trace. Possession or manufacture of ghost guns can carry serious criminal penalties in New York State.