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Your Syracuse
DWAI Drugs Attorneys

A DWAI drugs charge can have a catastrophic lifetime impact. Cambareri & Brenneck, your criminal defense team, can help.

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Syracuse DWAI Drugs Attorneys

Trust former prosecutors to handle your DWAI drugs case.

DWAI Drugs Attorneys

How is Impairment Measured?

Impairment in DWAI drugs cases is usually measured by a combination of physical observations, behavior during field sobriety tests, and results of chemical blood tests. Trained law enforcement officers may look for signs of impairment such as slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, or lack of coordination. A positive chemical blood test can also serve as evidence of impairment. Always remember, you have the right to legal counsel to ensure fair treatment.

At Cambareri & Brenneck, we are well-versed in the challenges and dilemmas criminal defendants face as they navigate our justice system. Our firm comprises former prosecutors with an intimate knowledge of how the accused are processed in the state of New York. 

Explore your legal options with an experienced and knowledgeable former prosecutor before a plea deal is entered. We take all situations into consideration to get you the best results.

Can I Refuse?

Yes, you can refuse to submit to a chemical test in New York State. However, refusal often carries immediate consequences, including suspension of your driver’s license and potential fines. It’s important to consult with a knowledgeable DWAI drugs attorney to understand all the implications of your decisions.

At Cambareri & Brenneck we
regularly examine whether or not:

There have been rights violations against our client.

Violation of search and seizure laws.

There are misconduct issues.

There are pieces of evidence that should be suppressed.

There have been chain-of-evidence issues.

There are witnesses (or other evidence) that dispute the state's version of events.

What Do I Do when Pulled Over?

When pulled over, it’s crucial to remain calm and respectful. Provide your identification, driver’s license, and registration when requested. You’re not obligated to answer any further questions without your attorney present. If you suspect that you might be charged with DWAI by drugs, assert your right to consult with your Syracuse DWAI drugs attorney as soon as possible.

When it is appropriate, Cambareri & Brenneck will advocate for our clients’ eligibility for these programs. For more information on the allegations against you, the possible penalties, and what our team is prepared to do to secure the most favorable outcome possible, call our offices today.

DWAI Drugs Penalties

Jail Time


Significant Fines & Penalties

License Restriction

Employment Consequences

CDL Consequences

Criminal Defense Attorney

Understanding DWAI Drugs in Syracuse

The most common DWAI drugs charges:

Even though New York State has decriminalized the recreational use of marijuana to some extent, driving while under the influence of marijuana is still considered a DWAI drugs offense. Our experienced team can help you navigate this complex area of law.

DWAI by drugs isn’t limited to illegal substances. Prescription medication, if it impairs your ability to drive, can also lead to charges. Our attorneys understand these complexities and can help defend your rights.

Pain medications, especially opioids, can significantly impair your driving abilities. Even when prescribed by a doctor, if they affect your driving, you can face DWAI charges. Let us help you understand your legal situation and formulate a strategic defense.

Over-the-counter or prescribed sleeping medication can result in a DWAI charge if it impairs your driving ability. Our seasoned Syracuse DWAI drugs attorneys can guide you through these charges, ensuring that your rights are protected throughout the legal process.

Get a FREE Consultation with one of our Syracuse DWAI Drugs Attorneys.

Your Defense Team

Steve Cambareri

Partner, Attorney

Scott Brenneck

Partner, Attorney

(Ret.) Judge
John Centra

Special Counsel

Melissa Swartz


Joe Centra


Ken Tyler


Michele Previte

Office Manager

Jess Edwards

Administrative Assistant

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